Spanish (SPAN)

Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1311  Beginning Spanish I  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Pronunciation, conversation, reading, dictation, grammar, including language lab practice.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 1312  Beginning Spanish II  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Continuation of material in SPAN 1311. (CC No. 2312)
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1311 or SPAN 1313  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 2300  International Study  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Students will be offered an opportunity to experience and apply real-world language and culture in a natural setting. The experience will include enrolling in Spanish courses, living with a Spanish family, participating in cultural activities organized by the host institution, and making field trips to historical and cultural monuments.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1311 and SPAN 1312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 2311  Intermediate Spanish I  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Review of grammar, reading, composition, conversation. Language lab practice.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 1312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 2312  Intermediate Spanish II  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Prerequisite: SPAN 2311 or equivalent Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2311  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 2315  Spanish for Native/Heritage Speakers  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course is intended for Heritage Speakers of Spanish who have been exposed to spoken Spanish and are fluent or quasi-fluent speakers, but have little or no formal study of the language. It provides formal study of Spanish language in the academic setting in the same way English-speaking students study English. It focuses on the development of reading, writing, speaking and listening skills in Spanish.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2311  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 2320  Spanish for Professionals  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course is designed for professionals who want to learn basic Spanish as related to their daily professional activities and, in addition, to understand the cultural values of the Latino peoples in the US. The course is designed to teach professionals how to do specific tasks in Spanish as well as focusing on communication in Spanish with Spanish speaking clients.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 3300  Spanish Conversation  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Required of all majors.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2311  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 3310  Advanced Grammar and Composition  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Vocabulary building, intensive review of grammar as needed for sentence structure. The development of the paragraph in written composition. Frequent written reports.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 3311  Professional Spanish – Special Topics  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course is designed for students who want to learn professional Spanish at an advanced level in order to apply it to the career of their choice (business, medical, governmental, law, etc.) It focuses on specific professional terminology, skills needed for writing letters, conducting telephone conversations, transactions, and international procedures. Operational and strategic issues involved in interaction with Hispanic populations, institutions, firms and markets; international trade; competitive, vendor-customer, and collaborative relations. The topic will vary.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2312 or SPAN 2315  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 3315  Advanced Expository Writing  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Focus on developing analytic and critical thinking skills, and developing critical essays using contemporary research methods relevant to Spanish literature. Offered: Fall
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 3320  Culture/Civilization of Spain  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Geography, history, government, art, economic resources and psychology of Spain. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 3330  Culture and Civilization of Latin America  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
The geography, history, government, art, economic resources and psychology of the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4310  Latin American Lit I  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Hispanic America's outstanding writers and their works from the modernist movement to the present. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4320  Latin American Lit II  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Hispanic America's outstanding writers and their works up to the modernist movement to the present. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4330  Sur Span Peninsular Lit I  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Spain's outstanding writers and their works from the Enlightenment to the present. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4340  Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature II  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Spain's outstanding writers and their works from the Enlightenment to the present. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4360  Teaching Methods  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Teaching methodologies, including a focus on first and second language acquisition theories, learning theories, approaches and techniques of second-language instruction.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4370  Special Topics  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Spain's outstanding writers and their works from the generation of 98 up to the present. Lectures, readings, oral and written reports.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 2312  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 4380  Adv Conversation TOPT  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Intensive oral practice along with preparation for the TOPT. Grammar and culture are also components of the course but only to the extent that they are necessary to improve conversation skills.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5300  Critical Approaches to Literature  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course is designed to introduce contemporary critical theories as a guide to reading and analysis of literary texts.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5310  Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language and Methods  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
The module provides students with in-depth knowledge of both theory and methods in second language acquisition (Spanish). Moreover, students learn to critically judge new teaching methods and learning strategies in second-language acquisition. The module also familiarizes students with research and research methods in second language acquisition. We extrapolate from this base principles and parameters to guide classroom instruction. We cover a full range of topics from grammar and input to spoken and written language.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5320  Sintaxis Del Espanol  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
To analyze the different aspects of Spanish Syntax.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5330  Literatura Espanola  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course studies the most relevant and significant post war Spanish literature. Some of the topics studied are Social Realism, Experimentalism, and the Novel after 1970.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5340  Cultura Espanola  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course gives the student a perspective of the political, social, and cultural realities of Spain today, focusing on diversity, history, art and film.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5350  Teaching of Foreigh Languages: Teaching Heritage Speaker  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course gives students pedagogical methods and strategies in teaching Spanish to heritage Language Learners. The course will provide guidelines for assessing proficiency, develop appropriate materials, discuss classroom management and organization and instructional strategies specific for Heritage Speakers.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5360  Studies in Latin American Literature  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Critical readings and/or selected topics in Latin American Literature. Reading of selected core works are explored in depth, emphasizing critical interpretation and analysis.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5370  Studies in Latin American Culture  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Critical readings and/or selected topics in Latin American Culture. Studies on different topics and characteristics of Latin American Culture (such as gender realtions, religion and art, pre Colombian history, political developments), emphasizing critical interpretation and analysis.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5380  Studies of Hispanic Literatures in the US  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course offers an overview of the history of Latino/a literature, introducing the major trends and placing them into an historical framework stretching from the noneteenth century to today.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5385  Seminar in Spanish Linguistics  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course provides an in-depth exploration of a specific issue/theme/period/genre to understand Spanish general and contemporary linguistics.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5390  Special Topics in Teaching  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Students will undertake teching projects supervised by a graduate faculty member in Spanish and meet with their mentors to assess their teaching objectives, techniques, materials, and outcomers.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPAN 5391  Thesis  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course is designed for students completing the Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish program. Over the course of the semester, students will develop a research design, identify appropriate data to adapt to a research thesis, and identify and get in contact with relevant academic materials related to their main topic of research. Students will attend graduate workshops to prepare for their theses defense in the subsequent semester. this course will be an online course and will require significant student participation.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS, Thesis/Dissertation  
SPAN 5392  Thesis II  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course is designed for students to continue working with the research thesis in the Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish program. In this course students will edit, format and work face to face with their mentors in order to complete their thesis. Also, students will attend mandatory workshops designed by the College of Graduate Studies. Students should carefully follow the College of Graduate Studies calendar to see when workshops are offered and follow all rules and regulations.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS, Thesis/Dissertation  
SPAN 5395  Seminar in Historical Spanish Linguistics  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
This course deals with selected topics on the development of Spanish and its dialects and cultures. This course provides students with knowledge of the historical and geographical factors that lead to the development and spread of the Spanish language and its dialects throughout the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America, and the rest of the World.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS