Management (MGMT)

Management (MGMT)

MGMT 3300  Introduction to Critical Thinking and Business Decision Making  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course will introduce students to basic concepts and tools that improve the students' analytical skills by familiarizing hem with the basic principles involved in the theory and practice of critical thinking for reasoned decision-making. Students will use data visualization software such as Tableau that can help them find real answers in their data. The basics of professional business communication will be introduced and students will have the opportunity to write business documents.

Students with a class of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 3310  Principles of Organizational Behavior and Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Includes the study of organization behavior concepts such as leadership, motivation, individual behavior, group behavior and communication. Their use in U.S. and multinational organizations in management practice is examined in the context of today's legal, social and ethical environment.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3300  

Students with a class of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 3320  Production Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
A survey of the production function and the analytical tools used to solve problems associated with the development and operation of a production system. Analytical tools include: linear programming, critical path scheduling, waiting line, statistical quality control and forecasting.
Prerequisite(s): (BUAL 2310 or BUAL 2305) and (BUSI 2300 or BUSI 3300) and (MATH 1325 or MATH 1324)  

Students with a class of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 3330  Human Resource Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
A behavioral approach to the management of the human resource in business enterprise. The fundamentals of human relations and organizational behavior will be used to structure an understanding of the managerial problems of recruitment, selection, training, promotion and termination of personnel. Supervision of the work force will be considered as an examination of theories of motivation, communication and leadership.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3310  

Students with a class of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 3340  Project Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of managing projects. Students will be guided through a systemtic approach for the planning and execution of modern projects.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3310 and MGMT 3320  

Students with a class of Freshman or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 3350  International Business  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
this course will be taught as a combination of lectures, interactive seminars and case studies at an undergraduate level. the primary goal of this course is to develop effective management techniques and practices in the international and/or cross-cultural business context. At the same time, this course will strengthen students' abilities to summarize, critique and evaluate current managerial practices and issues relevant to international management.
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4320  Advanced Organizational Behavior  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
A survey of organization theory with emphasis on behavioral issues in both the private and public sectors.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3310  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4330  Compensation Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course discusses procedures for designing and administering a compensation system, the special aspects of pay-for-performance, total rewards systems, as well as individual compensation.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3330  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4340  Quality and Productivity Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
A survey course emphasizing the need for improved productivity in profit and non-profit organizations. The course will focus on the historical and current aspects of productivity as well as problems and methods of measuring, planning, and implementing productivity programs.
Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3320 and BUAL 2305  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4350  Issues in Human Resource Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
An analysis of issues in the field of human resources management in the 21st century.

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4370  Strategic Analysis  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
The capstone course for the undergraduate business program. This course has been developed to help you understand the task of the strategic management process in a digital global environment. The course assumes that a company's success depends on you to adapt to rapidly changing markets, globalization, shifting governmental policies, and new technologies. The emphasis of this course will be on sharpening analytical, decision-making and communication skills. The case study method and/or a global simulation will be used to acquaint the student with probable, authentic strategic situations in the economy.
Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3310 and MGMT 3310 and MGMT 3320 and FINC 3310  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4380  Seminar on Entrepreneurship  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Designed to give student overview of the new venture creation process. Includes topics of entrepreneurial psychology opportunities in the marketplace, gathering resources, and the Business Plan.
Prerequisite(s): BUAL 2305 and MKTG 3310 and MGMT 3310 and FINC 3310  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 4390  Spec Prob In Bus  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Investigation into special areas in business under the direction of a faculty member.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior or Sophomore may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5310  Entrepreneurship Strategy  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Entrepreneurial Strategy exposes upper and graduate level business students to the principles of launching a new business. The course combines case analysis, profiling real entrepreneurs, and guest lectures from business owners and advisors in the region. The course will drive them to explore emerging opportunities in new existing markets in which a new venture could be launched. It will also expose students to feasibility analysis to determine success as well as the process of writing a business plan to execute the start-up venture in the market. While prior business background is not completely necessary, the course will help the student who has taken a variety of business courses coalesce the knowledge into a comprehensive plan to launch their own business.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5311  Concepts and Applications for New Ventures  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course is designed to provide an introduction to entrepreneurship including an overview of the tools and theories involved in starting and growing a business.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5312  Personal Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Stephen Covey's book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, serves as the foundation for this highly interactive course. Participants are provided a strong understanding of the 7 Habits content. The course fosters personal and professional growth, empowers more meaningful relationships and productive collaboration, increases productivity, and results in a healthy work/life balance.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5313  Team Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course teaches Franklin/Covey's Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, and Great Results. Unleash the talent and capability of your teams by carrying out the 4 imperatives of Great Leaders. This course will help students learn how to build credibility and trust with others, define their team's purpose and align it with the organization’s goals, and encourage growth and responsibility of the unique talents of their team.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5314  Tactical Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Using Franklin Covey's Leading at the Speed of Trust students will participate in this interactive course that engages leaders in identifying and closing the trust gaps that exist in their organizations. Instead of paying outrageous trust taxes, participants can begin to realize trust dividends, which are the benefits that come from trusting relationships.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5315  Strategic Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Using Franklin Covey's 4 Disciplines of Execution, students will act as managers creating actual work plans. The outcome of this course is to identify the most important goals for each manager and team to pursue, then to create measures and identify the key activities that will predict goal achievement.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5316  Performance Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
The course presents powerful principles that help participants identify and clarify their values, set goals, and plan weekly and daily in order to accomplish what counts. The course will help empower the student to achieve outcomes that have previously been outside their reach. The student will learn to eliminate the activities that distract them from achieving their most important goals. In addition students will use the four box format (Purpose, Preview, Details, Review) to plan, design and draft documents that will help them to cut through the clutter and communicate clearly without leaving anything open to misinterpretation or misunderstanding.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Students with a class of Freshman, Junior, Sophomore or Senior may not enroll.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5320  Healthcare Entrepreneurship  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course will present to the future healthcare entrepreneur the different organizations and professions involved in the business and practice of healthcare; that is, the providers and payers for health care services. The course begins with an in depth look at Agency and Stewardship Theory of Man and how each theory is part of the present organizations and players in the health service business. The course will involve an in-depth discussion of the organization of healthcare insurance markets; managed care organizations; hospital and long term care facility (nursing home/long term care/hospice) organizations; various business models of the physician's practice; pharmaceutical and biotech industry; and the makeup of the health services salaried and hourly wage work force.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5330  Healthcare Strategy  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course will concentrate on the social issues concerning the Healthcare industry. Is healthcare a right or a privilege? The answer to this question will define how health services will be compensated; how capital for healthcare facilities and technologies will be acquired; and who will be responsible for the cost of healthcare. Students will familiarize themselves with the differences concerning the efficiences, costs, and values of fees for service versus managed care; and private insurance versus government controlled single payer (universal) health care. A significant portion of this course will be directed towards the present model of healthcare process outcomes and the value chain model of patient satisfaction.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5333  Port Property & Asset Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Ports are an asset intensive industry that are increasingly capital constrained and large investments needed to increase port capacity, productivity, and maximize cargo throughout. This course develops the tools needed to understand and manage the port’s true infrastructure investment value. With the significant increase in global shipping, new forms of ownership, and financing port investments as well as reliable fair market asset valuation of port resources will be covered in this course.

Enrollment limited to students with a class of Graduate.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5340  International Business  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course will be taught as a combination of lecture and interactive seminar at a master's level. The primary goal of this course is to develop effective management techniques and practices in the international and/or cross-cultural business context. At the same time, this course will strengthen student's abilities to summarize, critique, and evaluate current managerial practices and issues relevant to international management. Each student will have the opportunity to communicate his or her ideas and thoughts about the assigned readings to others. Likewise, everyone will be expected to listen both critically and positively to other student's thoughts and ideas.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5350  Strategic Cases in Services Marketing and Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
The course focuses on the unique challenges of managing services and delivering quality service to customers. The attraction, retention, and building of strong customer relationships through quality service(s) are at the heart of the course content. The course is equally applicable to organizations whose core product is service (e.g., banks, transportation companies, hotels, hospitals, educational institutions, professional services, telecommunication, etc.) and to organizations that depend on service excellence for competitive advantage (e.g., high technology manufacturers, automotive, industrial products, etc.). Classroom sessions may consist of a mixture of short lectures, student discussions of material and assignments, case discussions, media presentations, active learning exercises, and guest speakers.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5360  Human Resources Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Review of the basic elements of employed performance with analysis of the factors involved in employment, placement and personnel planning. This course blends theory and practice so the student may better understand the policies and procedures required for recruitment selection and personnel planning.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5370  Supply Chain Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
This course provides students with an interactive view of the supply chain function and the role played by the supply chain manager in the overall organization. The use and applications of information in the supply chain functions are included. the course also explores the different processes that are associated with supply chain management.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5380  Strategic Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
MGMT 5380 is the capstone course for the MBA. This course draws upon all of the MBA core courses and stresses interdisciplinary application of their content. Strategic management emphasizes that company success depends upon the formulation and execution of strategy. This class teaches the process of strategy analysis and develops student’s ability to think strategically.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 9 hours  
Prerequisite(s): ACCT 5370 and ECON 5370 and FINC 5310 and MKTG 5310 and MGMT 5340  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
MGMT 5390  Special Topics in Management  3 Credits  
Department: College of Business  
Investigation into special areas in management under the direction of a faculty member.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 12 hours  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS