Space Science (SPSC)

Space Science (SPSC)

SPSC 3301  Microgravity  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
A study of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena under the conditions of reduced gravity.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1401 or PHY 2425  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPSC 3302  Space Transportation Systems  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
Introduction to space transportation systems and their payloads.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1401 or PHYS 2425  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPSC 3303  Orbital/Celest Mechanics  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
The mechanics of the movement of bodies in space under the influence of gravity.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1401 or PHYS 2425  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPSC 4301  Special Topics/Space Science  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
An individual library or laboratory project in conference with faculty. With permission of the department chair, student may repeat the course for credit when the area of the study is different.
May be Repeated for a maximum of 6 hours  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPSC 4302  Space Vacuum Physics  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
The physics of vacuum as applied to phenomena in space. Introduction to production and measurement of vacuum in laboratories on Earth.
Prerequisite(s): PHYS 1402 or PHYS 2426  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
SPSC 4303  Planetary Materials  3 Credits  
Department: College of Arts and Sciences  
A study of the chemistry and mineralogy of extraterrestrial materials including moon samples and meteorites. Introduction to the laboratory techniques used to examine these materials.
Prerequisite(s): (CHEM 1311 and CHEM 1111) or GEOL 2471  
Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS