Education (EDUD)

Education (EDUD)

EDUD 6301  Adult Lrning Theories in Pract  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Seminar in which students will read and discuss adult learning theories as well as how these theories might be implemented in best practices with adult learners. Because of the nature of the doctoral program, special emphasis will be placed upon these theories in educational leadership settings.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6302  Global Education Ethics and Values  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course focuses on the ethical practices of global educational leadership and on the ethics of equity and social justice. Specific philosophical approached and ethical theories will be discussed. Particular attention will focus on ethical leadership practices from the perspective of global, regional, and local learning communities.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6305  Global Leadership Issues  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Exploration of the role of change in promoting continuous improvement and in modifying educational practices to result in creative, innovative outcomes within the local, national, and global societies.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6306  Dynamics of Global Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
The study of leadership theory as it applies to the school setting and extends into the global community.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6307  Global Educational Leadership and Policy  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
The theory and practice of policy making and the global political influences that affect education in a global society. This course explores the knowledge base in the origin and types of law that operate within global educational systems. Investigating the relationship between legal issues and their impact on school policy is also emphasized.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6308  Educational Leadership and Innovation  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course focuses on leadership concepts necessary to lead technology-supported learning environments. Topics include technology integration and implementation, educational innovation and change management.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6309  Emerging Trends in Technology and Learning  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
In order to fully support the 21st century in technology and learning, emerging technologies must be critically examined before selection and application. This course reviews the latest technologies available to determine effective application for today's classrooms, in both K-12 and higher education.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6312  Global Communication  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course facilitates excellence in leadership by exploring current knowledge and research related to communication that builds positive relationships and community in a global society. Issues discussed include, but are not limited to, socioeconomic, ethnicity, literacy, gender, age, and other issues that require courageous communication. An emphasis on the educational leader as scholar-practitioner will guide the examination of socio-cultural and diversity issues pervasive in communicating and building relationships in a global society.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6313  Sem: Contemporary Issues  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Examination of current trends, emerging issues, and research-based practices in education organized around broad themes to complement doctoral course requirements. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6314  Academic Research Writing I  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course provides an overview of technical research writing as a precursor to the dissertation required in the doctoral program. The focus is to articulate an in-depth knowledge base in verbal and written format. It is Part One of a two-part scholarly writing process.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6317  Academic Research Writing II  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course provides an overview of technical research writing as a precursor to the dissertation required in the doctoral program. The focus is to articulate an in-depth knowledge base in verbal and written format. It is Part Two of a two-part learning process in scholarly writing.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6320  Foundations of Distance Education  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
A foundational study of teaching and learning at a distance for both K – 12 and higher education. Topics include: the history of distance learning, administrative models, policy development, faculty and student support, and current research and future trends.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6322  Trends and Issues in Multicultural Education  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Examination of current trends, emerging issues, and research-based practices in multicultural education. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory  
EDUD 6325  Leadership in Higher Ed Admin  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course is an overview of the purposes of higher education; the environment of higher education; institutional issues in higher education, specifically governance and infrastructure, and impact of the external operational functions of higher education, including development, accreditation, accountability, social and political challenges. One segment of the course will include participant formulation of career goals for roles in higher education.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6328  Technology Mediated Teaching and Learning  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course focuses on leadership for technology enhanced teaching and learning in distributed and online learning environments. Topics addressed include current learning theories and styles, digital natives, distributed education, interactive learning, and the development of an online learning community.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory  
EDUD 6330  Fundamentals of Program Evaluation  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course serves to provide students with the research and evaluation skills required to implement various program evaluation models. Further, the course provides students with the opportunity for systematic study of methods of gathering information for decision-making with respect to the development, modification and acceptance of programs.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6335  Strategic Planning in Educational Leadership  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course serves as a guide for writing and implementing a strategic plan for your organization. Assessments and lectures lead to students gaining an understanding into why a plan is needed for long-term planning in the fields of both K-12 and higher education. Additionally, the course focuses on the process of strategic planning in educational leadership and how outside environments and internal dynamics impact planning procedures.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6353  Synthesis  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Completion of a student proficiency assessment comprised of a portfolio, synthesis paper and oral presentation. Successful completion is required to apply for candidacy. Note: Must be taken concurrently with Dissertation I - Proposal Writing

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6355  Educational Research Methods  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Review of research and research methods related to informed decision making related to schooling problems/issues. Emphasis is given to conceptualizing problems, selection, and application of research literature and critical judgement of the quality of research studies. Application of these principles to a current school-based problem is required.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6356  Quantitative Research Methods  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course serves as one of three research courses (9 hours) in the doctoral program's research series. throughout the semester, this course builds upon students' understandings of quantitative research, its theory and methods. As a doctoral-level research course, the material covered will be intended to prepare the student for successful completion of a quantitative doctoral dissertation. The history and development of quantitative research will be covered, as well as the theory underlying the method(s).

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6357  Qualitative Research Methods  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
This course serves as one of three research courses (9 hours) in the doctoral program's research series. Throughout the semester, this course builds upon students' understanding of qualitative research, its theory and methods. As a doctoral-level research course, the material covered will be intended to prepare the student for successful completion of a qualitative doctoral dissertation. The history and development of qualitative research will be covered, as well as the theory underlying the method(s). the focus of Qualitative Research is on the implementation of the study.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Standard Letter, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6361  Dissertation I Proposal Writ  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Students must maintain continuous enrollment from the time of advancement to candidacy and register for at least 3 credit hours each semester until successful dissertation defense, not to exceed 3 years of advancement to candidacy.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6362  Dissertation II Proposal Defen  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6363  Dissertation III  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS  
EDUD 6364  Dissertation IV  3 Credits  
Department: College of Education Human Dev  
Students must maintain continuous enrollment from the time of advancement to candidacy and register for at least 3 credit hours each semester until successful dissertation defense, not to exceed 3 years of advancement to candidacy.

Undergraduate level students may not enroll.

Grade Mode(s): Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Registrar do not use FN, Registrar do not use FS