Culinary Arts Minor

Culinary Arts Minor

The Hospitality Administration & Culinary Arts program within the Department of Nutrition, Hospitality & Human Services offers the following 21-hour minor (12 hours upper level) for non-majors for inclusion in degree programs by students in other programs or departments.

The Culinary Arts minor aims to provide students with both technical- and content-based learning opportunities. The current undergraduate curriculum builds a knowledge and skill base through the application of techniques in culinary arts.

Required Courses
HOSP 1301Chef's Essentials3
HOSP 1315Culinary Nutrition3
HOSP 2324Commercial Food Production I3
HOSP 3315Restaurant Applications3
HOSP 3324Commercial Food Production II3
HOSP 3360Quantity Foods Management3
HOSP 3372Menu and Service Management3
Total Hours21