University Studies (B.S.) Human Development Concentration

University Studies (B.S.) Human Development Concentration

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Major: University Studies

Concentration: Human Development

Total Hours: 120

Concentration Overview

This University Studies concentration allows students to study human development, behavior, and interaction at different stages of the life cycle and from various academic viewpoints. This concentration is a viable option for students who wish to study “the human” holistically while striving for careers in counseling, human service, and education. Students interested in using this degree as a foundation for graduate school should consult their advisor(s) for methods to align coursework options for specific programs of advanced study.

Degree Requirements

120 semester hours minimum; 2.000 cumulative GPA minimum:

  • 42 hours within the general education core curriculum
    • Earning a letter grade of C or better in ENGL 1301 Composition I and ENGL 1302 Composition II is strongly encouraged.
    • BIOL 2401 Anatomy and Physiology I & BIOL 2402 Anatomy and Physiology II are preferred for the Life and Physical Sciences core requirement; PSYC 2301 General Psychology is preferred for the Social and Behavioral Sciences core requirement.
  •     36 hours within general electives block
  •     42 hours within advanced electives block
    • All courses applied to the advanced electives block must have a letter grade of C or better.
    • A minimum of 12 hours of senior (4000) level coursework is required within the advanced electives block.
    • AASC 3301 Lifelong Learning and Portfolio Development, AASC 4301 Senior Seminar, and ENGL 3311 Professional Writing are required courses for the advanced electives block. Prerequisites for AASC 3301 Lifelong Learning and Portfolio Development include both ENGL 1301 Composition I and ENGL 1302 Composition II.
    • Human Development Academic Area: 18 hours chosen from ENGL 3320 Child & Adolescent Lit;  FMST 3302 The Whole Child or FMST 3340 Human Development IKINT 3350 Inclusive and Adaptive Physical Education or KINT 3370 Motor Development; PSYC 3370 Child & Adolescent Psychology; SOWK 3300 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I; FMST 3341 Human Development II; NUTR 4307 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle; HLTH 3378 Human Sexuality or SOCI 3340 Sociology of Sexuality; PSYC 4360 Learning and Cognition; SOWK 4320 Seminar—Aging or SOCI 4325 Aging Population and Health; SOWK 3320 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II.
    • Education and Family: 15 hours chosen from: ARTS 3371 Study in Visual Art or MUSI 3371 Music for Elementary TeachersENGL 4310 Teaching of WritingSOCI 3390 Juvenile DelinquencySOCI 4320 Sociology of EducationSOCI 4330 Comparative Family StudiesCOMM 3320 Communicating in FamiliesFMST 4326 Family ViolenceFMST 4327 Parent-Child Relationships  FMST 4329 Family InteractionFMST 4335 Contemporary Family Issues