Environmental Science (B.S.)

Environmental Science (B.S.)

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Major: Environmental Science

Concentration: None

Total Hours: 120

The Major in Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary program concerned with protecting, monitoring, managing, and improving the environment. The degree program combines study in biology, chemistry, geology, and environmental law in preparing the student for a career with regulatory agencies, industry, consulting firms, or academia. This degree program combines fundamental training in the basic sciences with broad training across several of the traditional disciplines to prepare students for employment or graduate study. An internship is required to integrate academic preparation with actual work experience. 


  1.  Students must complete the Freshman Composition sequence (or its equivalent, ENGL 1301 Composition I and ENGL 1302 Composition II) requirements with no less than a "C". Students must continually be enrolled in an English Composition course until this requirement is met.
  2. Students must complete 6 hours of mathematics/statistics and continually be enrolled in a Mathematics course until this requirement is met.
  3. Students must complete all courses required in their major and minor with at least a grade of "C."
  4. Students must complete all prerequisite courses with a grade of "C" or better before taking any more advanced biology course.
  5.  The three credits of free electives must be at the 3000 to 4000 level and approved by the Environmental Science advisor.
  6. MATH 2312 Pre Calculus and Elementary Functions, is a required course for the Environmental Science degree.  If a student that is University core complete enters the Environmental Science program that student must complete MATH 2312 Pre Calculus and Elementary Functions, before taking any course required by the degree.