Biology (B.S.)
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Biology
Concentration: None
Total Hours: 120
The Major in Biology supports the departmental mission in that students are exposed to current scientific concepts and principles. Moreover, students spend a significant amount of their educational time in the laboratory or field. By the actual performance of methods and techniques, they can engage in internal research projects or be competitive for external summer research internships. The biology degree offers seven tracks in (see below):
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Ecology
- Aquatic Biology
- Vertebrate Zoology
- Invertebrate Zoology
- Pre-health Professional
- Pre-medical Technology
After graduation, they can effectively compete for jobs or move into graduate or professional schools. As the study of life, Biology requires a thorough understanding of the underlying chemical and physical principles governing all life processes. Lamar students attracted to this field are well equipped to enter the professions of medicine, dentistry or one of the other career paths listed below in this section. Students are equally prepared for environmentally or biotechnology related careers in various governmental agencies, private companies, or academia. Students interested in further education leading to an advanced degree in biology are also well prepared. Those interested in teaching in secondary education (grades 7 –12) should consult the section on Biology (B.S.) Education.
Recommended Minimum Program of Study – B.S. Biology: The following is a recommended program of study for completion of the B.S. Biology degree plan in the minimum semester hours with the specified option. Additional requirements may be required for specialized areas, i.e. certain minor requirements, preparation for graduate school, certifications, or licenses. Please see a Biology Advisor or the Department Chair for advising details.
Course List Code Title Hours Biology Core Courses BIOL 1406 General Biology I (Majors) 4 BIOL 1407 General Biology II (Majors) 4 BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors 4 BIOL 3450 General Botany 4 BIOL 3470 Genetics 4 Select one invertebrate biology course of the following: Invertebrate Zoology or BIOL 4410Parasitology Select one of the following vertebrate biology courses: Comparative Anatomy Mammalogy Ornithology Ichthyology Vertebrate Natural History Herpetology Select one molecular-cellular biology course of the following: Molecular Biology or BIOL 4470Cell Biology/Histology Capstone Course BIOL 4344 Development of Biological Thought 1 3 Biology Electives Any additional 22 semester hours of BIOL at the 3000-4000 level - The B.S. Biology degree offers seven possible tracks. A track requires a minimum of 15 credits over and above courses required and claimed in the Biology core curriculum.
- Tracks do not include credits from any of the following courses: BIOL 1406 General Biology I (Majors), BIOL 1407 General Biology II (Majors), BIOL 2421 Microbiology for Science Majors BIOL 3450 General Botany, BIOL 3470 Genetics, BIOL 4344 Development of Biological Thought, a course used to fulfill the invertebrate, vertebrate, or Cell/Molecular core requirements, or any of the supporting courses in chemistry or physics listed on the biology degree plan.
- It is the student’s responsibility to declare a track.
- Students must take one 4000-level Biology course that is designated a as "Scientific Report Writing Intensive". These courses include: Environmental Microbiology, Ecology, Advanced Physiology, Molecular Biology, Conservation Biology, Medical Botany and Limnology.
- Supporting Sciences:
Course List Code Title Hours General Chemistry CHEM 1311
& CHEM 1111General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry I Laboratory4 CHEM 1312
& CHEM 1112General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry II Laboratory4 Organic Chemistry CHEM 3311
& CHEM 3111Organic Chemistry I
and Organic Chemistry I Laboratory4 CHEM 3312
& CHEM 3112Organic Chemistry II
and Organic Chemistry II Laboratory4 General Physics PHYS 1401
& PHYS 1402College Physics I
and College Physics II8 Statistics PSYC 2317 Introduction to Statistical Methods 2 3 - Free Electives: Sufficient advanced (3000-4000 level) elective credits to complete a total of 120 semester hours; typically 4 credits.
- MATH 1314 College Algebra(Non-Calculus) and MATH 1316 Trigonometry may be substituted for MATH 2312 Pre Calculus and Elementary Functions in the Biology B.S. degree plan.
- A maximum of three (3) Special Topics research biology elective credits may apply toward the B.S. in Biology degree. In addition, three (3) credits of Special Topics research may be taken to fulfill the University Free Elective requirement in the B.S. degree plan. Thus, a total of six (6) Special Topics research credits may be taken in fulfillment of degree requirements.
- A maximum of two (2) Special Topics readings elective credits may apply toward the B.S. in Biology degree. If 2 readings credits are applied, they must be completed as two separate 1 credit courses taken in different semesters.
- A maximum of four (4) credits combined Special Topics research and Special Topics readings Biology elective credits may apply toward the B.S. in Biology degree.
- 1
Requires students to pass the ETS Major Field Exam in Biology.
- 2
Fulfills 3 credits of Mathematical Science core.
B.S. Biology Tracks
Cell and Molecular Biology: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Biotech Applications, Embryology, Environmental Microbiology, Biochemistry
Ecology: Evolutionary Ecology, Ecology, Conservation Biology, Environmental Microbiology, Tropical Biology, Field Parasitology, Animal Behavior
Aquatic Biology: Aquatic Entomology, Marine Biology, Limnology, Ichthyology, Tropical Biology, Field Parasitology, Invertebrate Zoology, Oceanography
Vertebrate Zoology: Mammalogy, Ornithology, Ichthyology, Herpetology, Vertebrate Natural History, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Embryology
Invertebrate Zoology: Invertebrate Zoology, Parasitology, Field Parasitology, Tropical Biology
Pre-health Professional: Advanced Physiology, Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy, Embryology, Biochemistry, Environmental Toxicology
Pre-medical Technology: Advanced Physiology, Parasitology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
Biology Bachelor of Science - Medical Technology Track
The medical technologist performs the laboratory tests required by physicians in order to properly diagnose and treat patients. Most technologists find employment in hospitals, clinics or blood banks. In addition, manufacturing and sales of medical products are providing new career opportunities for medical technologists. A long-term shortage of clinical laboratory scientists has placed a premium on certified medical technologists nationwide, and employment opportunities in the field are expected to remain very good in the future.
Students completing the pre-medical technology emphasis will receive a Bachelor of Science in Biology that emphasizes the course work needed to compete for acceptance into hospital programs in the clinical laboratory sciences. Most hospital programs last for one or occasionally two years. During this time, students receive laboratory training in practical aspects of the clinical laboratory sciences. In addition, a certification exam must be passed to be employed as a clinical laboratory scientist in most states.
Students pursuing the Medical Technology track should take the course recommended for that concentration (see the list of tracks above), as well as additional courses decided upon in consultation with the program director. Entry into hospital programs is competitive, and completion of these courses will best-prepare students for acceptance into hospital programs. A list of hospital programs for the state of Texas is provided below.
Students interested in these programs should contact Dr. Ana Christensen for detailed advising (Maes 101A,, (409) 880-8256).
Directors of Hospital Training Programs in Clinical Laboratory Science in Southeast Texas
Methodist Hospital
Tatia Feltman, M.Ed.,MT(ASCP)SM
(713) 790-2599
University of Texas Medical Branch
Dr. Marcela Lizarrage
301 University Boulevard Galveston, TX 77555-1028
(409) 772-3024
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Brandy Greenhill, DrPH, M.S., MLS(ASCP)
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 002 Houston, TX 77030
(713) 563-3091
A complete list of programs providing training in the clinical laboratory sciences can be found at