Industrial Technology (B.S.)

Industrial Technology (B.S.)

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Major: Industrial Technology

Total Hours: 120

The department offers the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (B.S.) in an online format. This algebra-based degree can accept up to 33 hours of technology credit from a 2-year AAS degree, certifications at a technology program, or military training. The degree covers topics of interest to the industry including project management, six sigma, lean manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, work design, safety, maintenance, and production planning.

College of Engineering Standards

In addition to the university requirements, the College of Engineering enforces the following standards:

Students are required to take courses in the sequence shown in the Lamar University General Catalog for each degree program.
Engineering students are required to maintain a GPA of 2.0 to remain in the program.  Students who fall below the required GPA of 2.0 will be placed on probation and given two long semesters to raise their GPA to a 2.0 or better (maximum load of 13 semester hours). Students who fail to meet this requirement will be suspended from their Engineering Major for one long term. Students returning from suspension must prepare a performance contract in consultation with their academic advisor. A minimum term of the contract requires the student to remove deficiencies every semester of enrollment. Students who fail to meet the terms of their contract will be permanently suspended.

Engineering students must make a ‘C’ or better in all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) courses in order to satisfy degree plan/prerequisite requirements.
A course may be repeated for additional credit toward a degree only as specified by the official course description in the General Catalog. Excluding courses that may be taken for additional credit toward a degree, a student may not register for any course more than four times. Any student who wishes to repeat a course must do so before completing a more advanced course in the same subject matter field.

The student’s advisor must approve all electives.

The Dean of Engineering may require students to meet the current degree requirements or program standards.

Please see each department’s four-year suggested program of study.