Environmental Studies (M.S.)

Environmental Studies (M.S.)

Degree: Master of Science

Major: Environmental Studies

Concentration: Environmental Studies

Total Hours: 30

Degree Requirements

  1. All College of Graduate Studies general degree requirements
  2. Completion of a minimum of 30 semester hours of coursework
  3. A minimum of 15 semester hours of departmental environmental graduate classes.
  4. Maximum 15 semester hours from other graduate-level electives from other STEM programs may be considered for approval by department graduate advisor.
  5. Satisfactory completion of a final comprehensive examination
  6. Thesis Option:
    1. Satisfactory completion of 24 semester hours of coursework
    2. Defense of a Master's thesis (a minimum of 6 semester hours of ENGR 5390 Thesis and ENGR 5391 Thesis)

*Up to 6 credit hours of graduate-level coursework (5000 level) taken as part of B.S. programs at Lamar University can be counted toward the 30-hour degree requirement. These courses shall receive prior approval by the department chair or his/her designee. (4+1 program).

Admission Requirements

Admission standards are designed to ensure that all enrolled students are qualified professionals serving in a leadership role in their engineering discipline. The primary requirements are as follows:

  1. B.S. in any STEM field (Transcripts required)
  2. A grade-point average (GPA) (or its equivalent) is greater than or equal to 2.70, from a four-year bachelor's degree or its equivalent.
  3. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is optional and not required for the Master of Engineering programs
  4. If English is your second language, check the latest University policy regarding the TOEFL/IELTS requirements