Business Administration/Professional Accounting Dual MBA/M.S.PA

Business Administration/Professional Accounting Dual MBA/M.S.PA

Degree: Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Professional Accounting

Major: Business Administration/Professional Accounting

Total Hours: 48

The dual M.S./PA-MBA is a dual-degree plan for those students already earning an M.S./PA with at least six hours of electives from the MBA. To receive the dual degree, 18 hours of MBA core courses (including MGMT 5380 Strategic Management) are required, and the student must complete the MBA Exit Exam. Applicants apply to either the M.S./PA or the MBA, and should the applicant wish to enroll in the dual degree, she/he will add the other program as a second major. The total number of hours in this dual degree program is 48 hours.

Required Courses for Major
MBA Courses
ECON 5370Managerial Economics3
FINC 5310Financial Management3
MGMT 5340International Business3
or BUSI 5380 Global Enrichment
MGMT 5380Strategic Management3
MISY 5340ERP Overview3
MKTG 5310Marketing Management3
Accounting Courses
ACCT 5310Financial Accounting Research and Procedures3
ACCT 5340Tax Research3
ACCT 5375Advanced Accounting Information Systems3
BULW 5340Business Ethics3
Select 12 hours from the following STEM courses:12
Emerging Technology in Accounting
Data Analytics
Managerial Decision Making
Database Management Systems
Introduction to Programming for Business Solutions
Information Assurance and Security
Cybersecurity Management
Business Intelligence
Data Mining and Predictive Analysis
Select 6 hours from the Accounting Electives below: 16
Internal and External Financial Reporting
Financial Statement Analysis
Total Hours48

Consult your advisor for other elective choices.

Leveling or Deficiency Courses

(if required)

Leveling courses for non-Business majors:
BCOM 3350Business Communications3
BULW 3310Business Law3
FINC 5300Foundations of Finance & Econ3
Leveling courses for non-accounting students:
ACCT 2301Introduction to Financial Accounting3
ACCT 3310Intermediate Accounting I3
ACCT 3320Intermediate Accounting II3
ACCT 3380Taxation Accounting I3
ACCT 4300Introduction to Auditing3