Speech and Hearing Sciences - Speech Language Pathologist Assistant (B.S.)

Speech and Hearing Sciences - Speech Language Pathologist Assistant (B.S.)

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences

Concentration: Speech Language Pathology Assistant

Total Hours: 120

General Education Core Curriculum
ENGL 1301Composition I3
Select one of the following:3
Public Speaking I
Beginning French I
Beginning Spanish I
MATH 1332Contemporary Mathematics I3
Life and Physical Sciences
Select two of the following6
General Biology (Non-Science Majors)
Plants and Human Society (Non-Majors)
General Biology I (Majors)
General Biology II (Majors)
Environmental Science
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences
Biochemistry for Allied Health Sciences
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
Elementary Physics I Lecture
Elementary Physics II Lecture
College Physics I
College Physics II
Elementary Physics I
Elementary Physics II
University Physics I
University Physics II
Language, Philosophy and Culture
Select one of the following:3
Ethics and Literature
British Literature
American Literature
World Literature
African-American Literature
Intermediate French II
Philosophy of Knowledge
Intermediate Spanish II
Creative Arts
Select one of the following:3
Art Appreciation
Art History I
Film Appreciation
The Art of Computer Game Development
Dance Appreciation
Music Appreciation
Jazz History and Appreciation
History of Rock and Roll
Arts and Ideas
Theatre Appreciation
American History
Select two of the following:6
U S History I 1763-1877
U S History II Since 1877
Texas History
Government/Political Science
POLS 2301Intro to American Government I3
POLS 2302Intro/American Government II3
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Select one of the following:3
Introduction to Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Business Environment and Public Policy
Intro to Criminal Justice
Principles and Policies
Principles of Economics I Macro
Principles of Economics II Micro
Intro to Consumer Finance
Engineering Economics
Intro to Political Science
General Psychology
Lifespan Development
Introduction to Sociology
Intro Social Work
Component Area Option
ENGL 1302Composition II3
MATH 1342Elementary Statistical Methods3
or PSYC 2317 Introduction to Statistical Methods
Required Major Courses
SPHS 1371Introduction to Speech Language Disorders3
DSDE 1374Introduction to Deaf Studies3
or DSDE 1377 Introduction to Deaf Education
SPHS 2370Phonetics3
Additional course in Psychology3
SPHS 3310Language Acquisition3
SPHS 3312Hearing Anatomy, Physiology and Disorders3
SPHS 3314Speech and Hearing Science3
SPHS 3318Speech Anatomy & Physiology3
SPHS 3316Professional Report Writing3
SPHS 4309Clinical Practicum SLP-A 16
SPHS 4310Competencies and Strategies3
SPHS 4332Neurology3
SPHS 4334Audiology I3
SPHS 4342Audiologic Rehabilitation3
Speech and Hearing Electives - 15 hours from:15
Language Disorders in Children
Speech Sound Disorders in Children
Voice Disorders
Clinical Processes
Fluency Disorders
Medical Speech - Language Pathology
Audiology II
Problems and Projects
Counseling in Communication Disorders
Professional Electives18
Total Hours120

This course is to be taken twice (once in Fall and once in Spring) for a total of 6 credits.