School of Accounting, Finance, and Economics

School of Accounting, Finance, and Economics

Location: 236 Galloway Business Bldg

Phone: (409) 880-8610

Chair: J. Donald Warren, Jr., Ph.D, CPA


The School of Accounting, Finance & Economics promotes a learning environment that prepares its graduates to succeed in their careers. Combining Accounting and Finance with Economics, students boost their career prospects and gain a unique decision-making perspective in the financial sector. Industry leaders identify the attributes necessary for students to be career ready upon entering the workforce. These identified skill sets are incorporated into the specialized curriculum for each discipline. Given today’s highly technology-based systems, technology and analytics including emerging technologies are included in the curriculum.

The accounting programs (undergraduate and graduate) recognize the importance of technology and are designated STEM programs. The undergraduate programs in accounting provide students with the flexibility of focusing on public accounting and pursuing a CPA or becoming a Certified Management Accountant (CMA). The curriculum in the Bachelor of Science in Management Accounting & Analytics is based upon the curriculum designed by the Institute of Management Accountants. The Institute of Management Accountants endorsed the BS in Accounting and is in the process of endorsing the BS in Management Accounting & Analytics. Students in the accounting programs are offered internships with firms and corporations that typically result in full-time offers after receiving their degrees.

Careers in which students who obtain a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance include corporate finance, commercial banking, insurance services, investment management, real estate, financial planning, and other related job opportunities. Additionally, the curriculum provides a foundation in pursuing a Master of Business Administration. A Certificate of Banking and Credit Analysis was developed and is offered to address the banking community’s request for additional course work in banking.

Economics is the foundation of accounting and finance. The program provides students a thorough understanding of economics and its use in applied fields such as monetary and international economics within a supportive, interactive, and personalized learning environment. This program prepares students for entry-level positions in business, nonprofit organizations, and government and for graduate study in economics, business, and law.


Accounting is the underlying foundation of business and provides information to all stakeholders (e.g., management, investors, lenders, and regulators) in their evaluation of the financial performance of corporate, governmental, and non-profit organizations. Accountants are viewed as integral to the global economy and are required to not only have knowledge of accounting principles and practices in preparing and reporting financial information to stakeholders but are required to possess critical thinking, analytical, research and communication skills. Careers in accounting include public accounting, management accounting, and financial management and include professional certifications (e.g., Certified Public Accountants and Certified Management Accountants).

The accounting programs are designed to prepare our accounting graduates to be “career ready” and possess the necessary technical and soft skills for success. They address the current national trend in having accounting degrees STEM designated degrees. Knowledge gained in the classroom address the skills required in today’s competitive global economy. Emphasis is placed on addressing accounting theory and concepts, data analytics, and technology, as well as critical thinking, research, and communication skills. Real-world experience is gained through internships with corporations and accounting firms. Our graduates have achieved success in their careers as partners in public accounting firms and financial positions in corporations (e.g., Chief Financial Officer) and successful entrepreneurs

Dual M.S.-PA-MBA

The dual M.S./PA-MBA is a dual-degree plan for those students already earning an M.S./PA with at least six hours of electives from the MBA. An additional 18 hours of MBA. core courses (including MGMT 5380 Strategic Management) are required, and the student must complete the MBA Exit Exam. Applicants apply to either the M.S./PA or the MBA, and should the applicant wish to enroll in the dual degree, she/he will add the other program as a second major. The total number of hours in this dual degree program is 48 hours.


Given the M.S./PA is a STEM-designated degree and includes 12 hours of MMIS courses including ACCT 5355 Data Analytics, students may wish to continue the program and take an additional 18 hours of MMIS courses (15 hours of MMIS Core Courses and 3 hours of MMIS elective courses) to obtain a dual M.S./PA-MMIS degree. If the student in the M.S./PA wishes to be admitted into the dual M.S./PA-MMIS, she/he will add the MMIS as a second major. The total hours of the program would be 48 hours.


Scholarships are available to M.S./PA students who are admitted into the program (subject to funding availability). 

Degrees Offered